phparchive Ver. 0.1.86 ßeta
Home Credits and Acknowledgment
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Thanks go to

  • Rossano Casertano <> who contributed testing the code, when my project was very very unstable... :-)

  • Salvatore (Massimo) Petrone <> my first beta tester, always looking for improvements and features

  • Maurizio Converso <>

  • Many thanks to those who have produced the Open Source Software I've used to create phparchive:
    * GNU - A project I like and a philosophy in witch I trust
    * Linux - Probably the most important success of GNU Project
    * RedHat Linux - My preferred Linux distribution
    * Apache - Actually this killer application is the best webserver
    * KDE - The Graphical Desktop Environment I prefer
    * Mozilla - My preferred Web Browser
    * Quanta - An IDE simple and complete

  • And thanks to everyone else who sent me suggestions, bug-reports and/or just some feedback.

Last modified on 2004/01/08.

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